Saturday, 23 May 2015

In all things...give thanks.

If I were to sit down and start jotting down a  comprehensive list of all the things that I currently have in my life, I would easily be overwhelmed with a rush of uncontrollable emotion, awe and utter gratitude. From the family that raised me, the friends and colleagues I interact with on a daily basis, the possessions that I own, the finances I have acquired, the knowledge I have absorbed to the health that I currently maintain.

Through this simple practice of sitting in silence and recognizing where I am at this current stage of my Earthly Journey, I can see just how much I have truly been blessed from all angles and in all aspects of my life. Modesty and humility aside, it really doesn't take long for me to realise that there are people, situations and material items that I have in my life which I really don't deserve.

See, when you are taking an honest account of your life, there are certain things you will come across which you know deep down you have not worked hard enough to receive ( if you even worked for them at all) , yet are still endowed with, regardless. The more religiously inclined may chose to call this Grace... and if that is the case, then yes, Grace this is, and I ackowledge it wholeheartedly and am truly grateful for it.

I am a very ambitious person and I have been my own life, born with a natural burning inner-desire to progress, achieve and succeed, always planning, plotting, wanting and desiring.. more, more, mooore!!!. Yet, what I have come to realize over the recent year and a half of being exposed to the harsh unfiltered realities of this world we live in, is to never, ever take anything for granted. 

We as 'educated' individuals, living in this socioeconomic bubble - always surrounded by 'The Jones's' and infiltrated on a daily basis by the heavily biased media, cannot help but selfishly get caught up in our lives, our habits, our dreams, and of course our ever-pending brighter future that we forever fantasize about and cling onto ever-so longingly. And it is because of these egotistical distractions, selfish desires and narrow minded perspectives of this dimension of existence, that we forget to sit down, reflect, give thanks and just appreciate what we have, who we are, what we are, where we are and how we got here.

"In every thing give thanks..." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. - James Allen


  1. SO true. Most of us are only one month of no pay from being homeless. Everyday is a gift.

    1. So true Chels, at times we take a lot for granted.
