Friday, 27 September 2013

Breath of life

Over this past week of meditation, i have made major realizations. One of the great ones is the aspect of breathing and watching your breath. Ever since i started meditating i thought i was supposed to Breath consciously and watch myself, but that requires a lot of conscious involvement and that kind of defeats the purpose of trying to get away from your mind. This week at a meditation class in Rondebosch (21 Loch Street) while going through the guided meditation, i heard the instructor/monk guy say that i must watch my breath, and for the first time it struck me that i should not breath, but rather watch my breath! and that just means so much.

I realized that we have bodies and just like the way a tree will take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, our bodies will take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, a system of nature these things will happen. i do not think it is our conscious mind that says 'mouth breathe' or even more taxing 'heart beat' because if this was the case, we would all be struggling to keep ourselves alive each and every day.The body knows what it needs to survive and it does this without our involvement each and everyday...

So with the meditating, you have to get to that point where you understand that you are not your body, you are in your body yes, but it is more like a vessel of nature, and nature has been around for a very long time. This is why when we sleep, yes we are 'unconscious' (in this dimension of reality) but our body stays doing what needs to be done to keep us alive,our heart beats...our respiratory system functions seamlessly cause our bodies knows best.

Meditation should get you to that level of awareness and then allow you to transcend this reality and this vessel that we call our body, and the beginning of this process is to simply watch your breath :).


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