Tuesday 5 November 2013

World Views

I've been in many a debate, many an argument and many an intellectual tussle . And what have I gathered from all of these...? I have learned that you simply cannot convince someone to see the world the exact same way that you do, it seems nearly impossible.

The thing is, we all have a model of life, of the world, of each other and of ourselves. We each see things in our own way, this is because of our past experiences, our beliefs, our values and our principles. We each feel like the way we see the world is right because of this and i think that it is fair to say that we have the right to. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to see the world as someone else does, unless of course you are them.

It is for this reason, that over time I have lost the urge to convince another or to enforce my ideas/ opinions/ideologies onto someone else. Cause I simply cannot, so now i try to understand people and strive to accept regardless. The conversation/argument is a whole lot easier when you sit back and give people a chance to explain themselves, you may even get to see the world in a different way and that's great. The point is that we shouldn't try and force our glasses onto others, but rather try and understand their glasses better. Because the truth of the matter is that at the end of the day we each see the same things, we just perceive it differently. So what we think about the world, doesn't really change what is actually there.


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