Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Power of thought

From what I can remember, the first 'self-help' book that I read was Mind Power into the 21st century, introduced to me by my wonderful Mother circa 2006. A truly amazing book that opened my eyes to the possibility and capability that lies within. After that book i proceeded to read The Power of The Subconscious Mind (Joseph Murphy). These two books honestly changed my life forever, not just solely because of the content in the books, but because they had ignited something inside me that was always there, it just needed a little push. I had always thought about thought, thought about the world, the universe and this reality that we call life. I had always questioned religion and conventional dogmatic views, always been inquisitive and curious about life.

The books took me on a journey of self-control, exploration, understanding of both myself and the world around me... Since then i have not looked back, reading books and listening to audio books authored by the likes of Napoleon Hill, Wallace D Wattle, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Vitale, Michael Neill, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson...and the list really goes on and on. I started to pay more attention to my mind, my thoughts, my desires, my habits. Overtime I became more at peace with myself and those around me, my short temper disappeared, my adolescent rebellious behavior subsided,  my relationships with myself and those around me improved drastically. I had also began looking into Buddhism, and learned valuable Truths about life, introducing meditation and yoga into my life...utter bliss.

One of the greatest benefits from this journey is my ability to receive exactly what I want in life. My Dad had always kept a small book with him to jot down notes, and me being the loyal child-groupie that I was, quickly adopted that trait. And I started jotting down among other things; my desires, my goals, my objectives, my thoughts. What i wanted in life, who i wanted to be, what I wanted to have where i wanted to go. I made vision boards, daily affirmations and the like. And honestly I can say that i have up to this date accomplished about 90% of everything that I 'attracted' into my life... I started with trivial things like test results in high school, then I moved to bigger ambitions like:

  • The university I wanted to attend.
  • The degree I wanted to complete (in minimum time as well).
  • The jobs I've wanted to get.
  • The amount of money I wanted to make (during varsity as well).
  • Items like laptops, cars, guitars, cellphones....all started as detailed desires in my mind

Even the people that came into my life, both friends and girlfriends alike...truly amazing really. I remember mid-2010 writing down the type of person that i wanted to meet, and low and behold later that year in she walked in...as i described. Unfortunately It didn't last long but that episode taught me many valuable lessons that i shan't forget....

As much as you know what you want, even to the last detail, life still gives you what you deserve, and what you are ready for... Its like wishing for a car, but not bothering to have a drivers licence...utterly pointless really. So there is a combination of knowing what you want, and doing what needs to be done to attain it, preparing yourself, physically, emotionally, financially and mentally..then it shall arrive.

I think people hear these things all the time, about how powerful the mind is, how creative we can be, how we are able to bring into manifestation what we desire. But we take it for granted, i'm not sure why, i think its because we either doubt it, or that we are scared of our own potential, so we rather place it on something/someone else....like God... I heard this when I was young and I have stuck to it ever since.

"God is only willing to help those who are willing to help themselves"

This holds true what/who ever God may be to you..For me 'God' is The Universe/Source Energy, and i firmly believe that the universe conspires with me wherever I decide to go and in whatever I decide to do :)

Napoleon hill says in Think and grow rich that :

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"

With that in mind i bid you farewell.....Happy creating :)



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